Friday, March 26, 2010

mundane astrology lesson

The Houses and What They Govern in Mundane Astrology
1st House - Corresponds to the nation and its people, first impressions, the image of the nation and outer persona of it's people.
This represents the nation or group as a whole, the country and its inhabitants and often, its physical condition. The sign on the cusp may be representative of its self image or its myths and national characteristics. The 1st house concerns are: interior affairs, urban population, domestic affairs, general conditions, psychology of the masses and grassroots opinions. Planets in the 1st House are important and their energies add to the interpretations.
2nd House - home trade, money markets, banks and financial institutions, investments, national wealth and values.
Represents the conditions of supply and demand, the manner in which food and other resources are produced. It shows banks, the economy in general, stocks and bonds, the Gross National Product(GNP) the treasury, currency and its circulation, consumer spending, commerce, and debt owed by the nation to others. It shows how the collective feels about the security gained from material resources, societal values, and what society holds in high esteem.
3rd House - all forms of transportation, authors, bridges, communications, postal service, education, media, literature.
This house represents all methods of transportation and communications, ruling roads, railways, telephones, schools, newspapers, television, freedom of speech, the common language, treaties signed by the country, neighboring nations, diplomatic messages, rumors, foreign affairs (with the 9th House).
4th House - agriculture, farming, crops, land, houses, real estate, mines, coal pits, minerals, quarries, the weather, the opposition party in government.
This house signifies the land, its values as real estate and agriculture, housing and living conditions. It is the foundation or base of the society and its traditions. It is a place which reflects nationalism and patriotism, it is the folk-soul of the nation. It rules underground water supplies, and indicates the weather conditions. It signifies the people versus the government, and signifies the party not in power.
5th House - theatre, arts, places of entertainment, sports, fashion, leisure, children, games of chance, speculative interests, linked to Stock Exchange, colonies, dependencies
This house represents enjoyment, fun, entertainment, theaters, sports and social functions. It rules children and the birth rate, as well as schools (with the 3rd), and is linked to the economy through speculation and the Stock Exchange, although the actual stocks and bonds belong to the 2nd House.
6th House - public health, sanitation, food, national service, army, navy, police, civil service, trade unions, working class.
Because of its links to service, the 6th House rules workers, the laboring classes, unions, labor organizations, wage conditions, employment and unemployment, and the civil service. It also rules the armed forces and the police as well as issues concerning national defense.Through its connection with health, the 6th House rules places serving food and drink, public health and health workers.
7th House - foreign relations, treaties and/or disputes, business relationships, agreements.
This house rules our relations with other societies or nations or organizations. It rules treaties, alliances, marriage and divorce issues, public relations, the balance of trade, the conditions of women, and situations of overt aggression.
8th House - taxes, deaths, probate, inheritance, losses, international finance, multi-national corporations and social security.
This is the house of financial relations with other nations or groups, multinational or transnational corporations are ruled by the 8th House, as is debt owed to the nation, and foreign investment. This house also rules the death rate, suicides, state funerals, interest rates, pensions and social security and advisors to the heads of state.
9th House - foreign lands, high seas, ecclesiastical and legal professions, religious affairs and religion, the church, justice, lawyers, higher education, overseas, publishing.
This house is also connected to foreign relations and long distance travel. It indicates the type of philosophies the nation or group have. It rules the courts and judges, the churches and clergy, universities and professors as well as how the nation feels about higher education; science and satellite tranmissions.
10th House - the president, prime minister, the sovereign and their government, prestige of the country, parliament, aristocracy.
This is the house which rules the government, the leadership or ruling class. In a nation's chart it rules the national reputation and prestige, world opinion, the party in power, the chief executive, and the nations influence in the world as well as the ideals which the society tries to attain.
11th House - associations and community groups, exchequer, allies of the country, local government.
This house rules the institutions of government such as the legislature, Congress, Senate or the House of Commons or Politburo, as well as local governments. The 11th represents the national purpose or purpose of the group as well as its hopes and dreams and friendships.
12th House - hospitals, prisons, institutions and any place of confinement or detention, charities, secret groups, secret government entities and enemies within.
This house rules things that are hidden or secret. It rules hospitals, terrorist activities, hostage situations. behind the scenes manipulation, slavery, human rights issues, criminals and crime, prisons, charitable institutions, third world nations, spies and secret enemies, covert aggression or conditions of exile.
The Planets and what they rule in Mundane Astrology
Sun - Keywords: The monarch, Prime Minister, President or other leading authority, government In the natal chart of a country or organization, the Sun shows the national identity and pride, or its lack.. The Sun's placement by sign, aspect and house will mirror much of the character of the nation or organization. It will show the type of government and its administration.
The condition of the leader of the nation as indicated by the Sun often reflects the well-being of the nation itself. Difficult aspects to the Sun show internal tensions and are an indicator of the nation's prime adversaries. It can show the manner in which a nation expresses itself and the way in which it is seen by foreigners. The Sun rules the entertainment industry as a whole, films, theater, tourism, gold mining, solar power and to some extent, politics as a profession.
In an Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse chart the Sun represents the executive head of the nation, or in monarchies, the crowned head. It indicates the person in charge of any undertaking large or small. The Sun rules influential business and political leaders, heads of corporations and popular public figures.
Moon - Keywords: General public and their opinions, families, community, women, agriculture The Moon signifies the people, the masses, commoners and the population as a whole, as well as the entire concept of democracy. It especially rules women in the nation state or organization as well as the manner in which the collective regards its female members. In general, it represents the popular opinion and mass idealologies. In a natal chart of a country, the Moon governs food supplies, or their lack and is one indicator of the natural resources of the nation. It is an indicator of the quality of life within the country and also rules internal security issues.
If afflicted either natally or in transit charts, the Moon can indicate famine, ethnic and racial discord and general unrest among the people. It can also indicate a lack of birth control, food, rationing or inflated food prices. Water pollution or the repression of women and welfare abuse.
When well aspected, the Moon promotes peace, promises abundant harvests, and indicates conditions of well-being for the population.
In the Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse charts the Moon signifies the population as a whole and rules public opinion. It denotes women in general, and any occupation connected with water or common public needs. Public Utilities such as water and power and their distribution are Moon ruled.
Mercury - Keyords: Education, communication, literature, media, advertising Mercury represents the means by which individuals in a country or organization communicate with one another, therefore all forms of communication and travel by rail, sea, air, road, mail, speech, writing newspapers, magazines etc are Mercury ruled. Mercury also governs education and intellectual movements and trends, as well as schools, political announcements and media events of all kinds. Mercury is the voice of national opinion. It rules youth in general and denotes science, documents and treaties.
In the natal chart of a nation Mercury indicates the literacy rates, information and propaganda, bureaucracy and how well communication is developed within the country, as well as the condition of the system of roads and highways. A well aspected Mercury is indicative of high literacy rates, educational systems that are modern and well attended, as well as information which is easily available and uncensored.
In the Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse charts an afflicted Mercury can bring censorship, student or teacher strikes, problems with young people, illiteracy, high rates of traffic fatalities or transportation accidents, air pollution, gas leaks and (when in a human sign) epidemics.
Venus - Keywords: The arts, music, theatre, pleasures, fashion, cinema In a nation state Venus represents everything that is pleasant and enjoyable such as the arts, entertainment, music and other social pleasures, as well as diplomacy, protocol and ceremonial functions.. It is associated with both peace (soft aspects) and with war - especially when a war is being fought to right wrongs or change a balance of power, or involvement with negotiations leading to peace. It rules fashion and glamour, artists and the feminine archetype as well as the aesthetics and cultural areas.. It is connected with the nations resources and finances through bankers, financial institutions and farming. Venus signifies young women, courtship and marriage. In a natal chart Venus signifies bronze, copper, textiles, apparel manufacture, artists and the recording industry.
In an Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse chart an afflicted Venus may indicate cultural or artistic suppression, or censure.
Mars - Keywords: Armies, military force, engineering, public vitality, aggression and violence, war A prominent Mars may represent aggression or aggressiveness in some form, nations with military governments or governments who use the threat of war or force as a way of controlling their people. In a natal chart Mars rules the military, the police and the industrial labor force, and can indicate the physical fitness of the people or their involvement with sports. It shows the criminal element and violent people in general, militants and agitators.
In the Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse chart Mars can be said to be the chief troublemaker of the zodiac. Its position by aspect, signs and houses will show the areas which are under stress, and in an Ingress chart Mars is used as the timer to the action of what is indicated in the chart as a whole. Mars rules males and signifies all who dispute or fight. It indicates war and rules the armed forces.A well aspected Ingress Mars signifies a balanced use of power, peacetime uses of the military, and a well coordinated labor force with readily available employment. It tends to promote the application of competitive energy into athletic sports and favors manufacturing.
Jupiter - Keywords: Religion, priests and anything connected. Law, courts and justice, aristocracy, publishing, overseas travel Globally, Jupiter is about tolerance/intolerance, liberalism, a strong sense of morality, paternalism, benevolence, optimism, imperialistic attitudes, feelings of superiority, social awareness, and the capitalistic force in finance and trade relations. It governs borders between countries and treaties between nations.
In a national chart Jupiter rules religion, the clergy, judges and the high courts, the laws of the land, credit institutions and bankers, all ruling bodies that ratify treaties, how diplomatic and trade relations are developed. The Senate, the Politburo, the Diet, Knesset, House of Lords and other national equivalents are all ruled by Jupiter.
In an Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse chart, Jupiter’s good aspects promote peace, indicate increase or gain, and lead to the establishment of diplomatic relations or ambassadorial missions. An afflicted Jupiter can bring an overabundance of natural elements, religious suppression, international crises, border disputes, import or export problems.
Saturn - Keywords: Traditions, history, authority, order, stability, mines, deaths Globally Saturn seeks control, order and structure, material security, imposition of law, and can be intolerant, extremist and isolationist.
In a national chart it rules senior citizens, landowners, farmers, and miners. It denotes quarries, mines and the land in general. In a business sense it governs the Stock Exchanges. Saturn rules corporations, state-run businesses, law enforcement agencies, monopolies, heavy industry and conglomerates. Saturn indicates the conservative side of society and governs law, justice, order, systems and prudence.
In the natal chart of a country Saturn indicates the balance of power between civilians and military, or its lack. It shows tendencies of the nation to be regimented or standardized; it also shows any tendency to stagnation of social structures, or the oppressive nature of the ruling body.
In an Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse chart Saturn is generally an index to misfortune, lack, or need, especially when afflicted or angular. Under stress it can bring defeat or indicate survival of the fittest. It can indicate severe extremes of weather, famine or disasters. A well-aspected Saturn stabilizes and strengthens a chart and promotes safety, economy and protective measures, pointing to conservative thought and action, and attitudes of responsibility and duty.
Uranus - Keywords: Changes, revolutions, anarchy, innovations, technology, earthquakes Globally, Uranus is the planet of independence and individualism, and encourages free enterprise. It is liable to rebellion and revolution, and tends towards either the right wing or the fascist left-wing. Once in power it can be totalitarian and autocratic.
Nationally Uranus indicates the ideological foundations of a government. Uranus also rules inventions, technology, electricity, high frequency communications, aeronautics and the Air Force, Space programs, civil air travel and participation in international organizations. It is also a measure of the level of freedom that exists within a country and a mark of its progressive tendencies, as well as how the individual is accepted within the nation state. Well aspected, Uranus indicates a high degree of literacy and freedom of expression.
In the Ingress, Lunation and Eclipse charts an afflicted Uranus can bring upheavals, revolution, anarchy, plane crashes, train derailments, explosions, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes and severe lightning storms with high winds. It can also indicate strikes and riots, and seems to be similar to Mars in this respect.
Neptune -Keywords: Reform, ideals, trends, arts, films that effect the masses Globally, Neptune represents our universal and utopian tendencies, communistic ideas and collective values as well as democratic political movements. Neptune can be unrealistic and may wish to avoid confrontation. It can also symbolize devious, subversive or underhanded tactics. It denotes the fluctuations of popular opinion, sensationalism and illusions when it comes to passing popularity. It also indicates the conditions of the oppressed or impoverished.
Nationally, a well-aspected Neptune represents a nation which enjoys a comfortable relationship with the sea, and with shipping or boat-building. It may indicate a nation with strong ties to faith or religion, an acceptance of different lifestyles and an interest in the establishment of social safety-nets. Neptune rules oceans, natural gas, oil and oil refineries, petroleum, synthetics, kerosene, platinum, alcohol, tobacco, photography, the film industry, pharmaceuticals and drugs which produces unconsciousness
In the Ingress, Lunation and Eclipse charts an afflicted Neptune indicates marine disasters, dam breaks, tidal waves, gas leaks, vermin infestations, contagion, political instability, fraud, corruption and other elements of distortion.
Pluto -Keywords: The underworld, gangsters, detectives, disruption, destruction, decline, regeneration Globally, Pluto signifies the power of the masses, compulsive collective pressures, regeneration, fanaticism and obsession, disintegration and transformation. The placement of Pluto can show where there is a capacity for reorganization. Pluto rules the concept of evolution and the natural balance of life. Aspects of and to Pluto often show times when major sociological upheavals will occur.
In a national chart Pluto indicates the ability of people to regenerate after war or disaster, and rules the ecological conscience of the nation. Pluto is the index to a nation’s security and investigative agencies. Pluto rules propaganda and psychological warfare as well as conspiracy. Pluto rules nuclear power, plutonium, radium, zinc, tungsten, nickel, infrared rays and lasers. A well aspected natal Pluto can indicate sophisticated views of medicine, technology and alternate energy sources.
In an Ingress, Lunation or Eclipse chart stressful aspects to Pluto produce volcanoes, earthquakes, oil spills, fires, war, mudslide, avalanches, erosion and anything which involves widespread death and destruction. Power struggles and obsessions with power as well as terrorism, corruption and guerilla warfare may also be found
Here are the ten pairs of cycles with which mundane astrologers are usually concerned: Neptune-Pluto – approximately a 492 year cycle (last conjunction 1892 @ 7 Gemini)
Uranus-Neptune – approximately a 172 year cycle ( last conjunction 1993 @17 Capricorn)
Uranus-Pluto – approximately a 127 year cycle (last conjunction 1966 @ 16 Virgo)
Saturn-Uranus – approximately a 45 year cycle (last conjunction 1988 @ 28 Sagittarius)
Saturn-Neptune - approximately a 36 year cycle (last conjunction 1989 @ 11 Capricorn)
Saturn-Pluto – approximately a 33 year cycle (last conjunction 1982 @ 27 Libra)
Jupiter-Saturn - approximately a 20 year cycle (last conjunction 2000 @ 22 Taurus)
Jupiter-Uranus - approximately a 14 year cycle (last conjunction 1997 @ 5 Aquarius)
Jupiter-Neptune - approximately a 13 year cycle (last conjunction 1997 @ 5 Aquarius)
Jupiter-Pluto - approximately a 12 year cycle (last conjunction 1994 @ 28 Scorpio)
Leyla Rael Rudhyar devised a valuable way of thinking about these cycles.
She divided them into three classes:
1.Neptune-Pluto, Uranus-Neptune, Uranus-Pluto cycles These she felt ‘sound the low-frequency tones of evolutionary epoch and their cycles develop their transformative themes.'
2. Saturn-Uranus, Saturn-Neptune, Saturn-Pluto cycles
These she sees as mid-frequency harmonies (or rather, discords) resulting from the interplay or clash of transformative Class 1 and the conservative or inertial forces of Saturn.
3.The four Jupiter cycles she sees as the higher frequency melodies of new discoveries, visions, ideals and social trends.
Charts which we use the most in mundane astrology are as follows (in no particular order):
1. The Horoscope of a Country, Corporation, Organization or Group, and its progressed and directed charts.
2. The birth chart of the leader of the country, organization or group and its progressed and directed charts.
3. The Cardinal Ingresses, (Solstice, Equinox charts)
4. Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
5. Lunations, in particular the New and Full Moon charts.
6. Cycle charts - Great Conjunctions and Declinations
7. Astrocartographic maps
8. Event charts per example start of the War in Iraq March 2003 or September 11th 2001.
Some pros and cons in determining accurate starting points
1. The Horoscope of a corporation or organization can sometimes be determined with a fair degree of accuracy if you can discover the time of filing an incorporation or perhaps, when the doors opened for the first time.
The Horoscopes of nations are so easy to come by, as you will notice if you have been following the discussions pertaining to the 'real' US chart.
This is because historical fact is not so easy determine. We have no birth certificate to look at, although in some few cases we do have certain documents which can help us.
The horoscope of modern Japan is one example, although there are two potential charts even for Japan; the first is set for the date when the Emperor formally presented the new Constitution to the Diet (Parliament) on May 3, 1847. Since the presentation was in the morning, and the celebrations in the afternoon this chart is often set for noon in Tokyo, which is inexact of course, and so the houses and angles should not be relied upon.
The second chart which is in use has a more exact and accurate time, and is for the official restoration of independence and sovereignty; the moment peace was declared between Japan and the USA. This took place on the 28th April 1952. The time is taken from press reports, of which some have shown to be inaccurate because they were written PRIOR to the event! THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP FROM ALL MY FRIENDS - MY LOVE AND BLESSINGS TO EVERYONE

1 comment:

  1. good knowlegable article for those persions who knows little astrology------------saleem jatoi--multan
